In order to get used to blogging daily, I decided to try the 30 day challenge. A series of questions or ideas that are supposed to evoke an over whelming flood of emotions and have me putting all of my deep seated issues locked away on display for the world to see. I'm no fool, so I'll be transparent to a certain degree. Not about to have people reading this and trying to call and have me locked in a padded room (I kid.... sort of). Lol!! I'll list the questions below and go from there... ENJOY!
1. 20 of my favorite things?
2. Who/what can’t you live without?
3. If you could wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish for?
4. What is true love?
5. Describe the last thing that made you seriously cry.
6. What is your phobia/fear?
7. What does your name mean? Why were you named what you were named?
8. Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you ever broken a heart?
9. What do you like the most about yourself?
10. What do you dislike the most about yourself?
11. Are you a lover or a fighter?
12. What would you say your biggest fear is when it comes to relationships?
13. Favorite movies?
14. Dream wedding?
15. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
16. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
17. Choose: trust or love
18. What’s your passion?
19. Write a letter to yourself 10 years ago.
20. Does love = sex?
21. Who is your best friend in life?
22. Whom do you admire the most?
23. Write a letter to the person who has ever hurt you the most?
24. What gives you sincere happiness?
25. What are the 10 most significant events in your life?
26. When were the happiest days in your life?
27. If there was a movie about your life what actors would you cast and who would they play?
28. If you died tomorrow, what’s one thing you’d regret not doing?
29. Who would you invite to the perfect dinner party? (Dead, living, historical, famous, not famous...)
30. Who are you?
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