Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 18 of 30: What’s your passion?

I'm passionate about a lot of things....

My faith, still learning and becoming the reflection of what I've been taught. Or as the popular saying goes "God ain't through with me yet!"

DIY projects... I'm obsessed! Pinterest, I don't know how may times I can tell you, that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that site. HGtv, the discovery channel, TLC (When it's not full of reality tv). The ideas people come up with are amazing. I plan on making some Christmas ornaments I saw on Pinterest. I have tried a couple of things I've seen on there from cleaning to organizing.

The cake my dad made for my 5th Birthday

Cooking and baking, growing up in a household where my mother cooked almost EVERY DAY. Packed homemade lunches filled with my favorites and my dad made the best breakfasts and cakes/pies ever, I have flourished in the area. I love to do it.
Strawberry cupcakes and choc covered strawberries I made for my nieces 14th Birthday!
Reesie Cup brownies with peanut butter frosting & chocolate ganache

Party Planning, I have a knack for it. The problem I run into are cheap people and working with family and friends. My time and thoughts are precious. If you don't value or respect it, trust I will hand the reins back over to you and sit on the side eating buffalo dip on tortilla chips. (Rolls eyes) This to me is probably on the top of the list. I just love how creative it allows you to be! I love me some David Tutera, Preston Baily & Mindy Weiss!!!! They are fabulous!! 

Kids.... I LUH THE KIDS!!! (Martin voice) No matter how much they wear me out or I try to fight it, I'm good with them. I did a mentor program in high school with elementary kids. To see the kid I had go from his teacher doubting him, to being excited about school and his mom in tears because he was doing so much better still makes my heart swell and I had a similar experience while working with a little boy for Teach for America. English was his second language and the only English he learned from his older brother's rap music. Insert a lot of B____, F___, damns and S___. He just didn't know any better and every time I explained it, he understood, but it took patience! Had his teacher taken the time to not always yell at him, she would have figured that out. (Wonder why they always give me the difficult child they write off as bad or unable to learn??) 

Music! Lord, I am a human jukebox. I feel like I'm always singing something or music is floating through my head. There is no off switch!! In the shower, I kill any singer to have ever done it!!! Then I turn the water off and realize the perfect acoustics I heard in my head may have been just that... In my head.

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