Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 8 of 30: Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you ever broken a heart?


Ooh, that's a subject that could have me talking for days, but here's some truth (puts on big girl panties).

In our teenage years and even in our early 20's we often confuse lust, loneliness and what we read in books/magazines and see on television as love. Had I listened to my female intuition about certain situations and people, I wouldn't have had a need to play the "Waiting to Exhale" soundtrack (Hurts so bad, Not gone cry, Funny Valentine and Hurts like hell) on repeat and cry myself to sleep. Knowing when something feels off kilter or wrong is one thing, but having enough sense to walk away is another.

One of my mottos about life is "You GROW through what you GO through." <------ That will preach! (Waves old MLK Jr. church fan)

So yeah those guys were wrong for the things they did, but to a certain extent, they did what I allowed them to do.

No need to point fingers and air dirty laundry on here, but HONEY, I have some stories!!!

To answer the question, yes, I have had my heart broken and I am sure that I have broken a heart or two before.

It's life, you learn to dust yourself off and try again or keep kissing frogs until you meet your prince (but not literally, don't want that *Uncle HERP* as I call it or mono) or whatever clever phrase you want to insert!

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